fisherman needs to give attention to the tools he chooses and uses when attracting a fish, and the same can be said for a business looking to hook new customers.

Blog seo best practices need to be in your tackle box when it comes to luring website visitors for potential conversions. Seo is short for search engine optimization and refers to the search word people are looking for before finding your blog post.

How to effectively use blog seo

Blog seo is something that will attract people to your website organically - meaning for free - over time. This isn’t just automatically a given, however, and there are several best practices to consider to give your blog the best chance at driving traffic.

1. Keyword research

Put some thought into which search terms you will use for your seo keywords. Just as a fisherman is going to consider which bait goes on the hook to attract a particular fish, you need to keep your audience in mind. There are some tools that you can use to do a bit of research, such as google keyword planner and wordstream, and we dive deeper into conducting keyword research here.

2. Post structure

Blogs that are easier to read will rank higher in search results. Structure posts with an intro, body and conclusion have a clear flow and use sentences and paragraphs wisely - to group concepts and make the article easily scannable. Use headings properly, and include keywords in headings as these are ranked differently. (Pssst: Find more about writing effective content here).

3. Related keywords

It’s important to not just load the blog up with your seo keyword for the sake of using the keyword. Search engines are increasingly “smarter” about whether a piece of content actually provides value versus talking about - ahem, repeating - a specific keyword. Use the focus keyword where it sounds more natural, and use related keywords to help with sentence flow.

That’s it! So easy.

We’ve just added 3 easy tools to add to your blog seo tackle box. Make sure you use these tips in your ongoing blog strategy to attract new leads, and you’ll be sure to get a solid bite.


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