5 of Your Digital Marketing FAQs Answered


igital marketing is a proven growth tactic with proven results. However, it can seem intimidating for many reasons: because its intangible, it utilizes advanced technology, it’s always evolving…

We understand, and we’re here to help.

Specifically, Carly, our Sales Marketing Representative is. She’s put together a series of videos with answers to some of the most common questions she hears. We’ve compiled 5 of those in this blog post; to see more, feel free to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn.

If you have any other questions, please let us know!

What is the difference between marketing and sales?

Marketing and sales are both crucial components of abusiness' overall strategy to attract and retain customers, but they servedistinct purposes and focus on different stages of the customer's journey.

Marketing involves activities aimed at promoting and raisingawareness of a product or service encompassing strategies, such as advertising,branding, marketing, research, public relations and content creation. Itsprimary goal is to generate interest and educate potential customers about thevalue and benefit of a product or service often targeting a brand audience, tocreate a positive brand perception.

On the other hand, sales focuses on converting this awareness into actual sales by engaging directly with customers, providing detailed information about products or services and guiding them through the purchasing process. Sales teams establish specific objectives within the sales process and concentrate on meeting sales targets and objectives. So don't forget marketing and sales are the heart of connecting with customers, driving growth and making businesses thrive. 

Why does your company need an updated website?

Whether you're a small or big business, a business website offers plenty of advantages. Here are five significant benefits of having a website for your company.

A business website makes you look professional. A business website makes you look professional because it requires investment, effort and technical expertise to create and maintain it. It also demonstrates a commitment to your business and provides a controlled platform to showcase your brand, products and services.

Next, it's an essential step in your customer's journey. An effective website is where you want your audience to end up as it inspires action from potential clients. Like a physical shop, customers may visit multiple times before making a purchase. People discover your business through various channels, like social media and a compelling ad will lead them to your website to learn more.

A business website gives lasting value. One of the best things about investing in a business website is how it continues to generate revenue---even after you've created it. A business website will give you an ROI over time. Even if it doesn't give you returns in the first year, you have time to tweak things until you get your returns.

Websites improve customer service. An effective website provides essential information like location and hours, reducing the need for customer inquiries. This improves the customer experience and allows your workforce to focus on more important tasks: boosting productivity.

Lastly, a website helps you edge out the competition. Even if you are a small business, an effective website allows you to compete with your industry's “big dogs.” If you play your cards right and properly optimize your website, it's possible to outrank bigger companies and get quality leads organically from search engines. 

Is it important to have professional photography and video?

The demand for more visual content can be overwhelming. While a relative or employee with a smartphone may work for quick social media posts, professional photos and video production are more impactful and cost-effective over time. Here’s why.

First is creative vision. Professional videographers and photographers bring a creative eye and unique perspective, suggesting innovative ideas and styles to make your brand's visuals more engaging andmemorable.

Second is time and efficiency. Hiring professionals lets you focus on core business activities while they handle the videography and photography efficiently. They manage time well and deliver prompt results, saving you time, resources and headaches.

Next is professional editing and post-production. Capturing footage or images is just the beginning. Editing and post-production are crucial. Professionals use advanced skills and software to enhance visuals, producing polished results that reflect your business' professionalism. Their expertise in editing can create impactful videos with clear messages that will inspire action.

Then there is increased credibility and trust. High quality visuals convey professionalism, trust and credibility. Investing in professional videography and photography elevates your brand's perception and creates a positive impression on potential customers.

Last, we have measurable impact investing. Professional video photography boosts your business by driving higher engagement, increasing website conversions and contributing to overall growth and success.

What is social selling?

What is social selling and why is it important? Socialselling is the practice of using a brand social media channel to connect withprospects, develop a connection with them, and engage with potential leads. Sowhy does it matter?  In today’s digitalheavy world, social selling is a great improvement from the conventional salestactics that feel very impersonal. So through direct engagement likecommenting, liking, and sharing customers posts, companies can naturally buildsocial credibility and generate free advertising to turn their prospects into customers.Still not sure about this concept? Just remember, 78 percent of businesses thatuse social selling outsell businesses that have no social media. And companieswith social selling are 51 percent more likely to hit their sales quota. 

Is graphic design still important?

In the competitive world of business, effective branding andmarketing strategies are super important to engage with customers and help drivesales. I'm going to tell you the four benefits of graphic design for allbusinesses. First and foremost, it gives your brand a personality. Customgraphic design can enhance a customer's perception of your product byincorporating artistic elements into your brand's identity. It can transformyour brand into something friendlier, or humorous. It can also foster strongerconnections with customers, providing a competitive advantage for you.

Second, it helps build brand awareness. Brand awarenessreflects the extent to which customers recognize your brand, influencing theirpurchasing choices and fostering brand loyalty. Through strategic graphic designapplications, your brand identity can be enhanced to become more recognizableand memorable, solidifying customer connections and loyalty.

Next, it helps your brand look professional. Implementingeffective graphic design can elevate your business' perceived expertise and reliability,regardless of its age. By enhancing visual communication and prioritizing clarityin conveying information, graphic design demonstrates your commitment toengaging with customers and underscores the attention to detail evident in yourproducts and services.

Lastly, it helps in building brand identity. Printed promotion material remains a crucial tool for engaging with potential clients and partners. You want to always make sure that you're elevating your business with tailored print material that helps strengthen your brand's credibility and support all of your sales efforts. 

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