ow many times do prospective customers ask your team the same question time and again? In fact, if you think about it, you can probably easily come up with a list of the top 5 questions most commonly asked to your company.

This is a great opportunity to proactively develop a reputation as a expert in that particular topic - to become a thought leader and establish content authority that drives quality leads directly to your sales time.

What is content authority?

Content authority means leveraging your knowledge and expertise to put out quality content  for your target audience that is useful, relevant and informational. Consistent content production ensures you develop the reputation in the online community, driving people to your digital platforms for answers.

Why is this important? When someone trusts you for answers, they are more likely to come to you when they are looking to buy.

With over 51% of content consumption driven by organic search - meaning someone types in keywords that land on your website - content marketing is essential to dive into this strategy and take advantage of that audience reach.

3 Tips to Effectively Establish Thought Leadership

  1. Create a routine: Content needs to be posted consistently to boost your appearance in search engine results. The regular updates are also helpful so that your audience knows what to expect.
  2. Plan your content in advance: Take some time separately from actually writing the content to determine topics. It's helpful when you sit down to write to already know exactly what you are writing about, rather than first spend time determining that topic.
  3. Be mindful of keywords: Since you are trying to take advantage of free organic search results, consider the words that someone would type into the search engine and use those naturally throughout the content to maximize your opportunity to appear when searched.

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