hanging the question of ‘how do we achieve our dreams’ to ‘how do we achieve their dreams’?

In more recent years, the idea of humanization is becoming the way that customers expect you to communicate with them. This is where the concept of personalized marketing is becoming more highly utilized.

Personalized marketing is utilizing data collected on your audience to create personalized communications that target each person. While this sounds personalized, this method of marketing is all data-driven and is not really getting to know the individual you are communicating with.

Humanization marketing is as it sounds: acknowledging individuals you communicate with as individual humans with different interests and needs. Humanization is when we shift our marketing mindset from ‘how do we achieve our goals’ to how do we achieve their goals.’

This involves taking the time to communicate one-on-one with your customers and target audiences to know their interests, goals, challenges, and unique pain points, etc. When your customers feel that your employees and company know them and care about them and their needs, the benefits to your business include: customer satisfaction, customer retention, customer loyalty, and all around a better customer experience.

How do you implement humanization marketing into your current marketing strategy?

Utilize your brand's social media to create a community with your followers.

Social media was created for us to be social. How are you interacting with your followers? Is it a one-way relationship or do you interact and solicit interactions from your followers? By using your social media to build relationships, you can get a better understanding of your customers’ wants and needs.

Turn your employees into brand advocates

By keeping your employees happy and well-taken care of, you are able to maintain high employee satisfaction, building a team of brand advocates. This means your workforce is filled with people that will speak highly of your brand/business and also act to strengthen your brand image.

Survey your current and prospective customers

Want to know more about your customers? Ask them! For long-time customers, send them quarterly customer feedback surveys to see what is working and what needs improvements. Create a private landing page only available to customers that give them a platform for submitting feedback and feel that they have a place to voice their feedback on their experience with your business.

In 2022, aim to move your marketing from personalization to humanization in order to stay ahead of the competition, the better your customers (and potential customers) experience with your business, and achieve your sales goals. Want more information on implementing humanization marketing strategies? Reach out to our manufacturing marketing experts today!

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