illennials and younger generations have higher expectations for companies to provide new challenges and growth opportunities throughout their careers, and are more focused on the overlap of technology and its role in manufacturing.

That said, we’ve previously written about studies showing that a higher percentage of millennials believe the manufacturing industry provides a good career versus previous generations.

So how do you reach the younger generation when growing your team? Here’s tips to adjust your strategy to fill the gap.

  • Think about culture. Younger generations are much more interested in how and why a company operates in a certain way. Consider things such as flexibility, social responsibility, growth and development opportunities.
  • Offer job variation. Can you consider job rotation as part of the role your hiring? Younger generations enjoy diverse work environments and developing skill sets. Offering opportunity to rotate works help individuals explore strengths and interests. Interested, invested employees will want to stick around at your company.
  • Be open. Younger generations enjoy employing creative and innovative solutions to exciting challenges or processes. New ideas and technologies are something they value, and they will appreciate when those ideas are heard and, when beneficial, implemented.

Want more help? Head to our series article: Looking to Hire? You’re Not Alone

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