eta is a '“new” platform that brings together all of Facebook’s apps and technologies under one new company brand. In October of 2021, Mark Zuckerberg introduced at the Facebook’s Connect 2021 conference, that Facebook Inc. was now Meta Platforms. Meta’s focus will be to bring the metaverse to life and help people connect, find communities and grow businesses.

So what does this name change mean for social media marketing?

Facebook has recognized that no company can “own” the internet and is now taking steps to ensure that it can play a part in building a new, more decentralized space. Meta has announced its plans to invest around $10 billion on developing the new landscape of metaverse. This will ultimately change how digital marketers use Facebook and Instagram ads toward more common methodologies we use for gaining attention today.

Businesses should start today to focus on the following as they market their business on social media and in the digital world at large.

  • Building (and Nurturing) Your Community: The metaverse is all about building community experiences in a digital world. Not only growing, but nurturing your current audience with value - you will position your brand for the new metaverse world.
  • Expanding Your Brand’s Digital Assets: The digital assets you create in the future need to belong exclusively to you. Exploring concepts such as NFTs could be an excellent way for your brand to not only build value, but also to expand your audience.
  • Decentralization of Marketing: Investing in ways to focus on more decentralized ecosystems and platforms (such as Blockchains, Web3, etc) is going to be key for the future of digital marketing.

If you have questions about Meta and what the metaverse means for your brand and business, reach out to one of our marketing professionals.

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