he labor market is experiencing incredible challenges right now. Individuals looking for work are enjoying abundant opportunities: for every person unemployed, there were 1.4 jobs available, according to the Labor Department.

So, how does your company stand out as a viable opportunity in a market like this? Social media is one tool that can make all the difference.

There are many ways your company can use social media to grow its business. Here are 3 tips for effectively using social media while hiring.

  1. Craft posts that show off your company culture and values. Employees seek more than just a job but also community. This includes an atmosphere where their personal values align with company values. When you use social media to tell that story, you’ll attract talent that’s aligned with your company - and this can also reduce turnover. Win-win.
  2. Include accurate and up-to-date information on your social media profiles. Social media profiles populate in search engine results, and ensuring that website and contact information are accurate on your profiles help your company be found more often when potential candidates are researching your company. Equally important is to make sure that it is very clear how to apply, and that links to jobs posted are accurate.
  3. Leverage platform functionalities to reach larger groups of people. On LinkedIn, post in groups for your industry. On Twitter and Instagram, use hashtags relevant to the industry. This makes it easier for people searching for the work you offer to find it.

Want more help? Head to our series article: Looking to Hire? You’re Not Alone

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