s email communication continues to evolve while subscribers put more emphasis on personalized experiences, it is more important than ever to ensure that your emails are being noticed.

Did you know that 99% of people check their email at least once a day?! Having a clean email list is the first pillar to a strong email marketing strategy.

We have put together a list of four easy ways to perform a spring cleaning on your email list!

1) Limit unsubscribes.

Go through your email list(s) and remove any subscribers that are no longer engaging with your content. Pick a timeframe, say six months, all subscribers that haven’t interacted with your emails from the past six months get removed. Create a standard of ‘rules’ for how you determine who get removed and perform this ‘clean up’ task once a quarter to start.

2) Decrease Spam Complaints.

If your emails keep ending up in your subscribers spam folders their is a great likelihood they will not open your content, and worse ESP may eventually flag your account for delivering unwanted content. A few ways to decrease your chances of ending in the spam folder include:

  1. Don’t send spammy content
  2. Include an easy way for subscribers to unsubscribe
  3. 3. Require a double-opt in to ensure your audience truly wants your content
  4. Send quality content that gives your subscribers value.

3) Use Marketing Automation.

Many ESP have marketing automations tools that allow you to set up rules around keeping your email list clean. As an example, you can easily set up a rule to remove any addresses that bounce two or more times rather than after a single bounce.

4) Send Out A Re-Opt In

Often individuals just delete inboxes of emails instead of unsubscribing from all of the email lists that they are no longer interested in. Do yourself and your inactive subscribers a favor by sending out a re-opt in email campaign and remove all subscribers that do not re-opt into receiving your emails.  

Keeping a shiny clean email list will ensure that your marketing and email KPI’s are being met and that you are providing the best experiences for your subscribers. Take ten minutes today to do one or all of these spring cleaning tips on your email list and see how your KPI’s are influenced.

Have more you want to learn or do with your email subscribers? Reach out to one of our email marketing experts today with any questions you might have.

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