rowing your email list is one of the most valuable assets you can invest your time and energy in as a part of your marketing strategy.

As a brand and business, you know what value you have for your audience and potential customers. An email list allows you to directly market to your target audience who has already extended a hand out to your brand.

The question is how do you get your target audience, that can truly benefit from your brand’s offerings, to say ‘yes’ to signing up to your email list?

We have put together a few tried and true ways to grow your email list today.

1) Add multiple forms to sign up to your website

Try a combination of sign up options such as a sidebar sign up form with a sticky floating bar or a lightbox popup.

2) Offer added value to email subscribers

Offer users a chance to get exclusive bonus content by signing up to your email list. Here are a few ideas for added value you could offer:

  • Show notes + transcription as a content upgrade.
  • A PDF downloadable version as a content upgrade
  • Checklist or cheat sheet download

3) Run a promotion or giveaway

Run a marketing campaign that includes a giveaway or contest.  This gives your audience the opportunity to join your contest by providing their email address, social sharing, or following you on social media.

4) Add a ‘Sign up’ Call to Action on Your Facebook Page

Update the action button on your Facebook page to take users to your email sign up

If you have any questions or would like assistance growing your email list, please reach out to us today - we would love to schedule a strategy call with you today.

steel mountain marketing


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