s you get started in the world of Google Ads, it’s important to understand the many metrics available at your fingertips in order to update your strategy and maximize effectiveness. We’ve previously offered this article about getting started with google ads, and below we’ll dive into understanding certain ad metrics.

  • Quality score: This is a comparison metric that measures the quality of your keywords in your ad vs. other advertisers. The metric uses a scale of 1 to 10, and a higher rank means your ad and landing page offer more relevant content to the users searching your keywords. (Read more on Google)
  • Impressions: This tells you how many times your ad has been shown on a result page or other google product. This does not mean someone has taken action, just that the ad appeared on a user’s device. Not getting enough impressions? Google offers this advice.
  • CPC (cost per click): This is the amount of money you’re paying to receive a single click on your ad. When creating your ad, you can set parameters around the highest amount you are willing to pay for a single click on your ad. Because of this, you’ll want to look for the actual cost per click (actual CPC) to know how your ad is performing. (Read more about Google Ads cost per click)
  • Conversion: This one is actually something you define! You can choose what you want to be the goal result of your ad - whether visiting a webpage, signing up for something, etc. Each time this happens, its a conversion.
  • CPA (cost per action): This is the cost of a conversion, however you defined that in your setup.

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