Hiring? 5 Effective Ways to Showcase Your Company Culture


ompany culture is a very abstract term with very concrete benefits, especially when applied to attracting new employees. Of course, this sentence does put the proverbial cart before the horse. A company has to establish a solid company culture before it can use it to attract new employees.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what company culture is, benefits of a strong company culture, and how your company can utilize it to attract new employees via digital marketing.

What is Company Culture?

In this article from Indeed, company culture is defined as “the qualities that set them apart from other organizations.” In essence, the term refers to the shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that contribute to a unique company atmosphere.

Its foundation is a strong mission statement and shared values and beliefs---with the key word being “shared.” Company culture is built on more than just words from a leader; it is a collective team effort constructed with mindful actions and interactions. It is a company’s personality present in daily operations and in the “big picture” as team members work together to reach common goals.

Key components of company culture include:

·        Values and Beliefs: These are the fundamental principles and ethics that guide the organization. They reflect what the company stands for and what it prioritizes, such as integrity, innovation, customer focus, or social responsibility.

·        Mission and Vision: The mission statement outlines the company's purpose and what it aims to achieve, while the vision statement describes the desired future state. These statements can have a significant impact on a company's culture by setting clear goals and aspirations.

·        Work Environment: The work environment refers to the emotional and psychological atmosphere of a company.

·        Leadership Style and Employee Behavior: Leadership sets the tone for the rest of the organization. The actions, interactions, and behaviors of employees contribute to the culture. This includes how they treat each other, customers, and partners, as well as work ethic and dedication.

·        Communication: Open and transparent communication can foster a positive culture, while poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and a negative atmosphere.

·        Diversity and Inclusion: The degree to which an organization values diversity and inclusion can greatly affect its culture. Inclusive cultures promote a sense of belonging among all employees.

·        Ethical Standards: Maintaining high ethical standards and integrity is crucial for a healthy culture. Unethical behavior can erode trust and damage the culture.

·        Rewards and Recognition: Recognizing and appreciating employees can lead to a more motivated and engaged workforce.

·        Employee Development: Organizations that invest in employee growth and development tend to have a more positive culture. This includes opportunities for training, skill-building, and career advancement.

A strong and positive company culture can have several benefits, including higher employee morale, increased productivity, better employee retention, and a more appealing brand image to customers and job seekers. Conversely, a negative or toxic culture can lead to employee dissatisfaction, high turnover, and even legal issues.

How to Showcase Your Company Culture

Building a strong company culture should be a top priority for company leaders, because it increases productivity and trust among current employees AND attracts job seekers for a company with a unique atmosphere. Simply, when prospects see a company with strong company culture, they want to be part of it. While company culture is not a tangible object, it can be shown with pictures and video on websites and social media.

·        Take photos at your company events. With proper permission, these photos show fun your team-building activities are, and, in essence, how your values are part of your corporate atmosphere. Share these photos on social media to give prospective employees a look at company life and demonstrate how much you value your employees.

·        Involve your employees in the process. Your employees are a part of your company culture---including showcasing it! Communicate with them about your company culture, give them the tools to share it, and let them know about important updates.

·        Give your employees the opportunity to make a difference---and thank them for it. For many companies, giving back to the community is a key part of company culture. As your employees take part in these opportunities, show how thankful you are for their efforts in emails and in social media posts. (Don’t forget to include information about these opportunities in your company information associated with job postings.)

·        Highlight employee anniversaries. Let your audience (including job seekers) how proud you are of your employees on their company anniversaries. Highlighting employee milestones also shows potential employees that your employees are satisfied.

·        Give prospects a peak at employee perks. If your company has any company perks, such as a workout room or coffee bar, give job seekers a look at what they have to look forward to. Consider sharing these photos and videos on social media, on job seeking sites, and on your website’s hiring page.

Digital Marketing Tips for Hiring

Digital marketing is a powerful way for companies to achieve their goals, including regarding hiring. Here are some best practices to use for hiring success.  

Make a plan. A digital marketing plan is an essential part of marketing, and an often overlooked one. The plan should include a schedule of marketing tasks, deadlines, and the party responsible for the task. If hiring is part of a company’s goals, postings about open positions and company culture should be on the calendar.

Make it easy for prospects to apply. If you want prospective employees to walk in your door (as opposed to your competition), make it easy for them to submit applications and job history information. Create a hiring page on your website or on a hiring website, and share the URL on social media.

Choose your promotional channels carefully. When drafting a marketing plan, choose channels that reach your target audience. These could include social media platforms, online ads, and hiring sites.

Ask for permission. Before sharing photos of employees, always get their permission to share their photos online.

Evaluate your results. A periodic evaluation of marketing efforts is the key to reaching current and future marketing goals. Companies should regularly schedule evaluations to see what is working and what is not working so that future marketing dollars can be spend on efforts that are getting the best return-on-investment.

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