recognizable (and memorable) brand is one of the most important assets for your business to stand out from your competitors. In fact, 59% of consumers prefer to buy new products from brands familiar to them.

It is important to put as much energy into building your brand as you do to building your business.

A Strong Brand = Business Growth and An Engaged Audience

So, how can you build a recognizable brand that will speak to your ideal audience?

  1. Discover the ‘why’ behind your brand: Why do you do what you do? Your ‘why’ is your special sauce, it is what makes your brand unique and is the reason people should come to you for your products and/or services. In order to create a strong brand you must have a clear purpose behind why you do what you do. Start by writing down your why, this will help you establish a baseline for your brand.
  2. Identify who your ideal audience is. Figuring out who you want your audience to be will allow you to strategically plan how your brand’s voice, tactics, benefits, etc will look. As the saying goes “If you try to make everyone happy, you will make nobody happy.” By figuring out who you want to be happy with your brand, you can ensure that your brand is designed in a way that will cater to them.  
  3. Develop your brand’s voice. Once you have determined your ‘who’ and ‘why’, you should consider your brand’s voice or the personality that your brand has in your communications - online, in-person, written, etc. Once you have a voice for your brand, use that voice in all of the pieces that you put out into the world; social media, emails, newsletter, mailings, website - in all of the ways that your brand communicates.  
  4. Build your brand’s story. Next, you can begin to build your brand story. Your brand’s story is an opportunity to effectively humanize your brand, making a direct emotional connection with your audience. Through story, you can communicate who you are, what you do, and how you can help people.
  5. Stick to your branding. After you spend the time creating a brand voice and story - consistency will strengthen your brand and build trust with your audiences. Write up brand guidelines that you can refer back to when creating all marketing materials or making decisions about your brand's identity to help with consistency.

Taking the time and energy to build a brand that your target audience will connect with will be one of the most valuable assets that your business can own. By taking the time to write down your brand’s why you can establish the base of your brand’s story and build from there.

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