s we reach the mid-point of 2022, it is a great time to do an analysis on what is working and what needs tweaking in your marketing strategy. As in many prior years, the value and need for virtual/digital marketing is crucial to growing your brand and business. We took note of a few trends of 2022 to be sure you educate yourself on, revisit, or implement in the second half of 2022.

Conversational Marketing

Conversation marketing is a customer-centric and dialogue-driven approach to marketing. It involves one-on-one, real-time conversation between a customer and the brand. Examples of conversational marketing tools include: chat boxes, live chat, and messaging apps. Conversational marketing has become the go-to strategy for driving customer engagement, boosting customer experience, and building revenue.

Utilizing Video Content

There is no question that video content is king in the social media and digital marketing world. In the past few months, Meta has implemented more updates that prefer video content for getting your account seen by new audiences. Short videos that provide a high entertainment value are going to be a key to building your social media and online presence in the remainder of 2022.

Influencer Marketing

More power is being given to creators in 2022. Influencer Marketing can simply mean when an influencer (or a person that has the ability to influence others) collaborates with a brand to promote something. As more social media accounts build engaged, specific audiences, tapping into influencers who have audiences in your niche can be very valuable for brands.


NFTs or a non-fungible token can be defined as a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items and videos. They are bought and sold online, frequently with cryptocurrency, and they are generally encoded with the same underlying software as many cryptos. Learn more about incorporating NFTs into your marketing plan in our blog post, ‘NFTs and your Digital Marketing Strategy’.

AI for Marketing

AI in marketing is simply using artificial intelligence technologies to make automated decisions based on data collection, data analysis, and additional observations of audience or economic trends that may impact marketing efforts. AI marketing tools offer the ability to effectively streamline your marketing efforts. Examples of AI marketing tools would include data analysis, media buying, content generation, real-time personalization. These are often seen in the conversational marketing tools list above; chat boxes, live chat, and messaging apps.

2022 has been filled with exciting changes in the digital marketing world. Take a few minutes to look into ways to implement any of the above tools into your marketing strategy. If you have more questions or would like assistance on your brand’s marketing plan, let us know! Our team of manufacturing marketing experts are ready to

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