n email newsletter is a great way to keep your audience engaged with your company, to funnel sales, and to build relationships with current and future clients.

With over 300 billion emails being sent each day globally, how can you ensure your emails are being seen, read, and acted on?

Here are four tips for boosting your email newsletter open and click through rates.

  1. Timing. You can do a lot of research to determine when is the best time to send your emails and an answer that you will find time and time again is, it varies. Depending on the industry, your audience and a heap of other factors - you may have to do some trial and error to test when your audience best receives emails. If you need a starting place, though, there is a general rule that Tuesday’s mid-morning tend to be the ‘best’ time during the week.
  2. Consider the device your audience will be reading your email newsletter on. Considering the layout of your email matters. Today more people are opening email on their mobile devices, whether a phone or tablet, and you want to be sure your email translates nicely to a mobile screen. A well designed email for all screen layouts will increase the likelihood of your email being open and also interacted with by your audience.
  3. Subject line. Your subject line matters, it is what sets your email apart from the many emails that will go right to the trash. You want to have an email subject that is catchy and personal - one that will grab attention without looking like spam. A few general tips for subject lines would be to keep them short, create a sense of urgency, make them personal and build curiosity as to what information your email will cover.    
  4. Segment your email lists. By customizing the messaging of your emails slightly to cater to different audiences on your email list, you are more likely to see success from your emails. An example of this could be potential customers, elapsed customers, and current customers - the message for each of these could be slightly different to appeal more closely to what each of these groups would be interested in hearing from you.

Bottom line is that there are a number of factors that can boost your email newsletter open rates and click through rates. We would challenge you to test out a few of the pro-tips in this blog to see what works best for your audience.

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