any traditional lead generation models rely on cold outreach approaches: cold calls, networking with strangers, mass mailings and so forth.

While these strategies can produce results, they can also lack efficient targeting for well-suited customers. This means - they can be time consuming and costly.

There has to be another way.

Yes, it’s called Inbound Marketing.

Inbound marketing is about making it easier for qualified customers to find you. The strategy involves implementing a number of tactics that lead customers to your website, including:

  • Blog posts
  • Social media marketing
  • Digital advertising
  • Email campaigns
  • And more

Yet, there is still a wrong way to do inbound marketing. This type of marketing, by nature, needs to be less “sale-sy” and more about building a relationship with prospective customers. These customers are online looking for solutions, and happen upon your company … and if you’re offering the right answers, they’re hooked.

Educating as part of your inbound strategy is key.

This is why it's important to move away from making a sales pitch and instead offer education and advice that will make your customers realize your value before they buy.

The first thing a customer often does these days is head to the internet seeking assistance. They are not dialing up sales people or visiting your shop. They are researching.

When they happen upon your website because you’ve done a great job creating a digital presence, and then they are impressed with your “free” value provided in that inbound marketing strategy - they are primed. The strategy involves nurturing prospects with email newsletters and social posts - full of ongoing added value - until they make that call - direct to you.

A waiting game? Yes. A guessing game? Not anymore.

steel mountain marketing


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