ndustrial advertising refers to marketing and advertising that targets businesses that seek products or services related to the manufacturing industry. An alternative name for this type of advertising is Business to Business or B2B advertising, which means a business promotes products or services to another business and can be in or out of the manufacturing industry.

Industrial advertising can market aspects such as essential materials, equipment, or technology needed to keep your business running.

Industrial advertising has traditionally been offline in print forms of marketing, but as the importance in digital brand experience continues to grow, implementing digital industrial advertising will be essential to achieving your marketing and sales goals.

What are the types of digital industrial advertising?

Pay-per-click (PPC) ads

Pay-per-click advertising is as it sounds, you only pay for ads that viewers interact with by clicking on the call to action the ad provides.

Social media ads (especially LinkedIn)

Social media advertisement, or social media targeting, are ads that are served to users on social media platforms. Social media platforms utilize user information to serve ads to highly targeted audiences based on your business’s target market.

Email advertisements

Email advertising is a type of marketing performed via email when the recipient has consented to receive promotional messages from a brand. Businesses often set up opt in forms through tactics such as incentive downloads, blog CTA, or sign up forms on their websites. Email advertisements are often a successful marketing tool as your email audience have opted in to receiving your advertisements making them a warm lead from the start.

Remarketed ads

According to Google Ads Help Center, Remarketing ads is a feature that lets you customize your display ads campaign for people who have previously visited your site, and tailor your ads (using dynamic remarketing) to these visitors when they browse the web and use apps.

Are you ready to implement digital industrial advertisements for your manufacturing brand?

Our manufacturing advertising specialists are ready to help you today.

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