strong online presence starts with a well-designed website.

Your business’s website is often the first impression that your brand will have with customers. In fact, 38% of people will stop interacting with a poorly designed site.

A well-designed website sets your business up to find new customers, build a stronger brand, showcase your products and services, find skilled employees, and help achieve your sales and business goals.

However, oftentimes manufacturing businesses don’t invest in building the best online experience with their website.

How can a quality website design benefit your manufacturing business?

Highlight what makes your company unique

In the manufacturing industry, it is important to stand out from your competition. By designing a website that communicates what makes your business offerings, story, or identity unique - you can stand out from the competition and ultimately land clients who’ve connected with that brand.

Creates a positive experience for your customers

It takes approximately 50 milliseconds (that’s 0.05 seconds) for visitors on your site to determine whether they like your site and whether they’ll stay or leave.

Creating and designing a website that is user-friendly should be a primary focus when accessing your website. Visitors to your website want to be able to easily navigate your website to find the information they need, easily be able to contact you, and know what actions they need to take to work with you.

Build a strong brand presence and story

Your website is where potential customers will form an opinion about your brand. Your website design and user-experience will often determine if an individual will want to further interact with your brand. In fact, poor user experience drives almost 50% of users to go with competitors.

Help find skilled employees

In today’s job market, not only finding workers, but finding workers that are qualified and reliable are key to the success of your company. The experience visitors have with your website and brand can either encourage or discourage potential employees from filling out an application for your vacancies.

Achieve your sales goals

Did you know that over 80% of shoppers will research online before making a purchase? Your website can help your sales process from beginning to end.

  • Generate leads: website elements such as contact forms and email lists allow your website visitors to enter your sales cycle as a warm lead.
  • Convert leads into sales: Through marketing campaigns, telling your company's story, and building a brand experience that resonates with your target audience - your website can help convert leads into sales.

The manufacturing industry has often focused on off-line marketing tactics to achieve marketing and sales goals. However, in today’s world, your online experience is what makes your brand stand out from the crowd. If your company wants to learn more about the importance of a well-designed website, reach out to one of our manufacturing marketing specialists today!

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