ou have worked hard to ensure that you are providing the highest quality services and products, and you open your email to read that you received a 1 star negative review.

You are crushed, how could this be?! Before you spiral into wondering what you did wrong, it is important to remember that even the most loved and well known brand receives negative reviews from time to time. Believe it or not, negative reviews can actually be good for your business's bottom line!

Not a believer yet?! We put together a list of ways you can make positive strides after receiving a negative review.

  1. Build trust with your audience. Displaying negative reviews next to the most positive reviews shows that your brand is authentic and can be trusted. In fact, 93% of people will read reviews on a product or business before making a purchase.
  2. Boost your sales. Yes, a negative review can have positive effects on your sales goals. While it may be assumed that a 5 out of 5 star product or service will boost sales, there is actually evidence to support that a few negative reviews (a rating of 4.2-4.5 stars) is the sweet spot for maximum sales.
  3. Consumers make more informed decisions. Having both the negative and positive opinions of a product on display allows the potential customer to learn what the best and worst outcomes could potentially be with your offering. This allows the individual to choose if they are comfortable with the worst case scenario, and they are more likely to be satisfied with the outcome.
  4. Make strategic upgrades to your business. Negative reviews can help you identify aspects of your offerings that could be better, that you may not have otherwise realized. Realizing where your products or offerings are not working best for your clients, gives you the opportunity to make changes to serve your customers in the best way possible.

Negative reviews can be a blow to the stomach, but when approached correctly can be an opportunity to take your business to the next level.

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