ocial media has become ingrained into our daily culture. The average person spends nearly two and a half hours each day scrolling through social media. It makes sense that companies have moved to investing more in creating quality content, developing social media ad strategy, and engaging with their followers to grow their following.

If you are putting out great content, wouldn’t it benefit your business to get your content in front of more eyes? 1,000 followers is nice, but wouldn’t 10,000 be better AND lead to more sales for your business?

The answer is yes, yes it would. This is where some individuals and businesses make the mistake of purchasing followers on their social media accounts.

Often for what seems like a decimal amount, an account owner can buy followers from a third party to boost their following. While this may sound like a no brainer, buying followers can have a number of harmful consequences for your brand and business.

Lowers your credibility

If a new user, in your target audience, comes to your profile and sees your 10,000 followers they may be more likely to follow. After time however, they see your posts only getting a handful of likes out of 10,000 they may start to add things up. If your target audience realizes your account is followed by a large number of bought accounts it will hurt your brand’s credibility.

Lowers your engagement rate

To add on the first point, adding a larger number of followers that don’t really care about your content will lead to less engagement per user than before your purchase of followers. In the eyes of social media platforms, your account will fall in the algorithm and you will find it harder to see organic outcomes.  

Distort your social media metrics to make tracking effectiveness difficult

If you are strategically using social media as a way to market and grow your business, collecting and analyzing your account metrics is important. Especially when it comes to utilizing social media ads, you want to be able to create content that your target audience is engaging with. When you have bought followers, it can make it harder to know who your target audience is and what type of content you are posting that they enjoy most.

Breaks user guidelines and puts your account at risk

Meta specifically has been making strides at identifying and removing inauthentic accounts and engagements (likes and comments) from its platform. Also buying followers is explicitly against many platform’s community guidelines, which could result in negative consequences for your account standing.

So how do you grow your accounts without buying followers? The best answer is to create consistent, quality content that your target audience wants. Social media platforms are looking to build genuine communities that result in people spending more time on their platforms.

If your business is looking to boost their social media content, reach out to us today, we would love to help build and create a social media presence that supports both your marketing and sales goals.

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